Monday, September 29, 2008

It's Monday

and I went to PT today.
I'm back on track with things after that crappy week I had last week.
Got to PT today and talk to my therapist about what my Neuro wants them to do. When I went to see my Neuro on Friday he said he wants to have PT start e-stim on my left leg.
So, Cindie hooked me up to the machine today and ran me through a 15 minute course of e-stim.
Not sure it did much but I think my Neuro's feelings are that with time it may help some things to start firing again in my leg.

I finish PT and we come home...I feel pretty good. After I get a bit to eat I come up to the room to check my e-mail and watch a few minutes of TV and the next thing I know...I'm waking up.. I look at the clock and it's been almost 3 hours.. Geez.....
I guess after being down and out all last week with that bug or whatever it was I had..I'm gonna have to build back up again and get back in the swing of my regular activities.

One last thing... I came across this website today..actually it is a branch of Google..(man, Google is pretty amazing with some of the things you can do with it)
Anyway, It is Google Health. It is an online health record. You can add any disorders, diseases etc..that you have. Medications that you are on or allergies that you have and it keeps all that info in one nice easy to access website that you can refer to if you need to.
Give it a's pretty cool. I'm also adding it as a link to my Links section here on the blog.

I guess that's it for now...

Till Next Time..........................................................

Sunday, September 28, 2008

A post today

just because...
Nothing to post of any importance...just felt like posting today for the sake of putting something new on here...
I hope everyone likes the new layout and if you haven't visited the actual blog...take a few minutes and check things out.

As time goes on I will be adding new and different things to it to keep it "fresh" and while your there on the blog...leave me a comment..I'd love to know who's popping in...

Anyway..I found a cute joke to post here...since all us TM'rs have made so many doctors visits...we just might be able to relate to this too... :-) especially us guys that are having bladder function issues because of the TM.

They always ask at the doctor's office why you are there, and you have to answer in front of others what's wrong and sometimes it is embarrassing.

There's nothing worse than a Doctor's Receptionist who insists you tell her what is wrong with you in a room full of other patients. I know most of us have experienced this, and I love the way this old guy handled it.

An 86 year old man walked into a crowded waiting room and approached the desk.... The Receptionist said, 'Yes sir, what are you seeing the Doctor for today?'

'There's something wrong with my dick', he replied.

The receptionist became irritated and said, 'You shouldn't come into a crowded waiting room and say things like that.

'Why not? You asked me what was wrong and I told you,' he said.

The Receptionist replied; 'Now you've caused some embarrassment in this room full of people. You should have said there is something wrong with your ear or something and discussed the problem further with the Doctor in private.'

The man replied, 'You shouldn't ask people questions in a room full of strangers, if the answer could embarrass anyone.'

The man walked out, waited several minutes and then re-entered.

The Receptionist smiled smugly and asked, 'Yes??'

'There's something wrong with my ear', he stated.

The Receptionist nodded approvingly and smiled, knowing he had taken her advice. 'And what is wrong with your ear, Sir??'

'I can't piss out of it,' he replied.

The waiting room erupted in laughter.

Mess with seniors and you're gonna lose!

Budda Boom..

Till Next Time...............................

Friday, September 26, 2008

Friday Morning

and I woke up at 4:00am.. I feel okay headache today and all else seems far as all the mess I was going through this past week with not feeling well.
I had my appointment this A.M. with my Neuro at 7:45. We talked about why I keep getting "sick" like I have been.

This is the 4th time that I know for sure that I've been sick like this past week. It's really weird but I did have a bit of a revelation last night while wasn't a dream but more of a thought that I had while sleeping.. and what that this: I remembered that after the second time I was sick I thought to myself that I was glad I wasn't working because it seemed that each time I got sick, it was over a weekend and it would have screwed my weekend up.
Now, keep in mind, I was actually thinking and remembering this, this morning before I got up.

So, I started browsing my own blog (I knew there was a good reason that I started this blog..) and looking at the dates that I updated during the times I was sick. Here's where it gets really strange...EVERY time I have gotten sick like this, it did start on a Friday or what I was thinking was actually true. Now, why the hell would this be the case..?

Now, back to my Neuro appointment today. I brought all this up my doc..and he's totally confused with me. He actually tells me that I am his medical mystery. I think he kind of likes having me as a patient (he sure spends a LOT of time with me) because I am a challenge..he says that each appointment we have there is always something new (personally, I feel like a science experiment or guinea pig sometimes).


I ask him if he thinks I'm picking something up at my PT sessions or what. I mean, I've been around people here at home that have had colds and such...and I've not gotten sick from that.. My doc doesn't know.

What he is suggesting..he is prescribing something for that if and when this happens try. It is a migraine med. Every time this has started it begins with a headache.. I'm not sure what a migraine is because I'm not sure I've ever had one but doc wants me to try this and see what happens. Even if it is a migraine, it still doesn't explain why it happens on a Friday or a Saturday.

OOoookay then....with that aside...I had posted just a while back that I went back in for a new MRI. My doc had those results in aannnddd.. This new MRI no longer shows any inflamation where my lesion used to be. He tells me that is a good is a good indicator as to why I've made the progress I have. Although he did mention that he noticed some disc slippage..and he may at some point, refer me to a spine specialist for evaluation as to some other types of PT for that.

He also made a recommendation for me to have PT start e-stim with me in conjunction with some of the therapy I've already been doing. If that shows any improvement in muscle strength and control then we'll work on getting me a machine for home.

So, happy Friday everyone...I hope everyone likes the new layout and name for my blog. I will be changing the layout slightly over time (as I learn more about HTML and XML code)..just to make it a little more "interesting".
I am also considering changing the name of the blog again already.. not sure though..
Leave me comments if you like the name of the blog or not.. Hell, just leave me comments..I'd be really interested as to who is popping in to read this rag...

Till Next Time................................................................................

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Whew...what a week since since my last post....

It has been a mudderpucker....
I'm just making this a short post for the sake of updating my blog for everyone..
Last Friday..I woke with a headache..not terrible...but the kind that makes you feel pretty crappy.

Saturday came...headache still there...bowels starting to get loose....oh brother..started feeling really, really crappy.. Wife was convinced I had some terrible cooties or something (I make light of it now, but she truly knew that something was starting) so after some pretty vigorous arguing between her and I..she drug my ass to the E.R. ( I really didn't want to go) at about 6:30pm. Doc ran all the normal stuff..urine, stool..etc...nothing showed at the, Doc prescribed something for gurgly tummy and home we came about 10:30pm.

Sunday...full bore yuck...full blown diarrhea, headache, wanted nothing to eat..just wanted to sleep..
vomited once at head hurt so bad and I felt so crappy that I couldn't even sleep.. by the evening I was exhausted...and wanted to sleep so bad... tossed and turned and tossed and turned some more...I could not get comfortable at all..I kept going back and forth from being cold and then sweating...covers on..covers off.. Aaaaggghh.. I finally went downstairs and tried lying on the couch..I slept for a short bit..but not much.

By now it's Monday A.M. and I'm still having diarrhea (as much as I hate wearing these friggen diapers..I was thankful for them through this) headache is still there... Obviously no P.T. today..
I did sleep off and on throughout the day..between trips to the bathroom anyway. Took an Ambien at bedtime..I had to try and get some good sleep... Well, It got me to sleep...but I was back up at 5:30am. Still had the headache.

Tuesday.....................starting to feel slightly better as the day wore on.....only had two bathroom trips during the day...that was a relief.
Through all of these days I have been drinking chicken broth and eating saltines..but by today I was able to manage some chicken noodle soup and applesauce..
Bedtime I took another Ambien..I haaaad to sleep....

hah..2:30am Wednesday...I'm up..had to, I go downstairs...maybe I'll be able to sleep some in the big chair.. I find a somewhat comfortable position to lay in and manage 3 hours of sleep.
Headache is slightly better... Start feeling a bit better today...the weather is nice I go sit outside for awhile.. The fresh air feels sooo good.
Actually managed somewhat of a normal diet today..lite, but normal..
By bedtime....I'm feeling pretty fair...still very tired but feeling better.. and the headache is gone.. YAY..!! ( bowel movements at all today..?!?!?)

Now, today...Thursday the 25th.. I actually had some decent headache. Got up at 7:15a.m. Had a bagel with jelly.. that tasted good. By 9:00a.m. I could feel the fatigue coming on.. No PT today..there is no way...

Throughout all of this..obviously my wife has been very concerned about me...this has been the 4th or 5th time I've been "sick" since I've had TM (just over 4 months now) so she called and set an appointment with my Neuro. That's tomorrow..he's obviously curious about what's going on too. She has also been in contact with our family doc too.."make sure he stays hydrated and if he gets worse get him in the the E.R." I knew there wasn't much family doc could do... I just needed to let this mess run it's course..

So, I have to say...I truly do not think I have ever felt as bad as I did these past few days... If I had a bug and my symptoms were exacerbated because of the TM I don't know...but damn.....I DO NOT EVER want to go through that again....

and with that being said...I've had an epiphany...I'm changing the name of my blog... pop in soon and you'll see.

Until next time.....

Thursday, September 18, 2008


and I had PT today...not much to update there except my therapist told me that one of the goals they have set for me is to be able to walk 2500 feet. Well, I'm not sure how far I've been able to walk so far but I know for damn sure I haven't been able to go 2500 feet. If you figure that a mile is 5,280 then 2500 feet is just shy of a half of a mile.. Hah..there's no way in hell I can walk a half a mile right now..I'd say that is going to be a very long term goal..because right now..a walk to the end of the driveway and back to the house wears me out (75 feet maybe).

Anyway, one thing I did want to say today...If you recall a few posts back..I enrolled at the local VA clinic..and I am so glad that I have that available to me..I am proud to be a vet and I so enjoyed my 20 years of active duty...but when I retired I never really felt that I was entitled to that many things other then getting my retirement pay. Well, I have come to find out that the VA clinic offers many things to vets for free. So, when I enrolled I got set up to get a wheel chair since the one I have currently is a rental. My wheelchair came in yesterday..

It's nothing super fancy but's brand new and it's mine... I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth..
Otherwise, not much new to update...the weather today is wonderful and this weekend is supposed to be great too..I'm going to try to get outside for awhile..

I came across this blog the other day..This guy also has Transverse Myelitis and he has a great blog..lots of good writings there..check it out if you like..

Anyway..that's it for now..

Until next time....

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tuesday the 16th.

A quick update today...Nothing new to update as far as PT goes.. we had a very exciting weekend...well, it actually started Sunday.. The remnants of hurricane Ike blew through northeast Ohio...and I would have never thought it was going to be as bad as it was..but we had a hell of a storm.. The wind was terrible..gusts of 70+ mph. Our power went out at 5:45pm Sunday and didn't come back on until 9:00am Monday. It was out for 15 hours and there are still areas here in town that don't have power. Of course the cable went out too...that didn't come back on until 4:00pm this afternoon (Tuesday).

We all sat around the kitchen table with my little battery powered black and white T.V. so that we could check the weather and of course we had candles and flashlights to light our way. One thing that was fortunate for the fact that the temperature outside cooled down quite a bit..if it would have stayed as warm as it was earlier in the day..I would have been miserable with my internal thermostat being out of whack with this TM.

The wind, as I said, was terrible..we had a tree split in two out in back of the house...
here are the can see in the first picture...the branch going is actually a 30 foot long piece of the top of the tree that split at a "Y" in the tree.

The second and third picture is the other "Y" that snapped off and then fell to the ground angling towards our neighbors house. The "Y" where these broke off of was about 30 foot up so that piece of tree is still standing. We really didn't have it bad..and I'm surprised..but glad. As we drove around today there were trees down everywhere all over town...many homes and cars had been smashed and as I said..there are still many parts of town without power.
One thing that was real interesting...was trying to cath myself by candlelight... how romantic that was.. :-)

Anyway, I was supposed to have an appointment today with a therapist at mental health at the VA but they called and the therapist called in sick I had to reschedule that I have to wait a few more days for that to start..oh well.
Otherwise...nothing else new right now..
Till next time.
Oh, and for those that this update gets e-mailed to... here is a link to the blog if the pics don't come out in the e-mail.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

It's a rainy Saturday

and I'm stuck in the house today.. I know even on good days I don't get outside much because it's either too hot or I get too tired but it is nice to get outside when I can. I love the outdoors and fresh air.
Water therapy went well yesterday..not much to report from that. Again, I just did 15 minutes and felt good afterward.
I've been reading back through some of my older posts and I made a decision today.. I know when I created this blog it was to keep friends and family updated with things..and I am going to continue to do that..but, I am now into TM 4 months as of tomorrow and after reading the older posts it now seems that alot of what I have been writing is starting to just be old news.. Frankly, I am getting bored with bitching about TM all the time..(even though there is plenty to bitch about) and I'm sure that some of you folks are getting tired of reading the same old thing.
So, with that being said I am going to expand my blog to other things..not just the TM updates, but whatever else happens to come to mind at the time. Maybe a good joke, maybe a few pictures of whatever, maybe who knows what...
and a little forewarning...some of the stuff I post may not be the most politically!!
My first try at this is this joke... hope you enjoy it..

A man walks into a restaurant with a full-grown ostrich behind him. The waitress asks them for their orders.

The man says, "A hamburger, fries and a coke," and turns to the ostrich, "What's yours?"

"I'll have the same," says the ostrich.

A short time later the waitress returns with the order "That will be $9.40 please," and the man reaches into his pocket and pulls out the exact change for payment.

The next day, the man and the ostrich come again and the man says, "A hamburger, fries and a coke."

The ostrich says, "I'll have the same."

Again the man reaches into his pocket and pays with exact change.

This becomes routine until the two enter again. "The usual?" asks the waitress.

"No, this is Friday night, so I will have a steak, baked potato and a salad," says the man.

"Same," says the ostrich.

Shortly the waitress brings the order and says, "That will be $32.62."

Once again the man pulls the exact change out of his pocket and places it on the table.

The waitress cannot hold back her curiosity any longer. "Excuse me, sir. How do you manage to always come up with the exact change in your pocket every time?"

"Well," says the man, "several years ago I was cleaning the attic and found an old lamp. When I rubbed it, a Genie appeared and offered me two wishes. My first wish was that if I ever had to pay for anything, I would just put my hand in my pocket and the right amount of money would always be there."

"That's brilliant!" says the waitress. "Most people would ask for a million dollars or something, but you'll always be as rich as you want for as long as you live!"

"That's right. Whether it's a gallon of milk or a Rolls Royce, the exact money is always there," says the man.

The waitress asks, "What's with the ostrich?"

The man sighs, pauses and answers, "My second wish was for a tall chick with a big butt and long legs who agrees with everything I say."

Till next time... :-)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I haven't posted in over a week

Because my friggen cable and internet was down..cable company came out once to fix it and everything was okay for a day and then it all went down again..well, of course it took them another couple of days to get back out and look at it. It seems that it finally taken care of. So, I apologize to everyone that I haven't updated in awhile but it was beyond my control.
So, now what has happened in the last week...let me see..Last Thursday was PT..It's still going well..Cindie, my therapist has been working on stretching my hamstrings..they were always pretty tight but since TM they have gotten really she is stretching hurts so good...
Friday was water therapy..only did 15 minutes per my Neuro's request...since I was at the point of exhaustion before. 15 minutes worked out very well.. I got a bit of a work out..I could still tell I did something but not to the point where I had to rest for 10 minutes right after getting out of the pool. So, I will stick with 15 minutes for awhile..and hopefully work up a bit more very gradually.

Saturday I had a meltdown... It was a combination of leg pain, and for some reason I had this total feeling of hopelessness..I don't know why.. Maybe things have just been compounding themselves and I finally popped...I'm not sure, but I've been pretty good since. I guess it's just a part of the roller coaster this has been.

Anyway, Had PT Monday..Tuesday I had an appointment at the VA. It was for my initial background info for mental health. I have an appointment this coming Tuesday to start my therapy sessions...I think that will be a good thing..maybe I can start making some sense of all the emotions and crap that I have had.

I had my regular PT's going well...I have also been working on my balance, which is non-existent and still doing the hamstring stretches...again..they hurt so good.

After PT I had an appointment for another Ultrasound on my left leg. I have had this issue with this knot in the calf of my left leg. My Neuro wanted to make sure it wasn't a clot. The ultrasound showed that everything was clots. That's good..So, I guess I keep with the Bio-Freeze and massaging my calf muscle to try to work that knot out.

While I was at the hospital for PT and the Ultrasound my wife and I stopped by the room of the other lady that's there with TM. Her name is Lora. Well, she wasn't in her room and as we stopped there one of the nurse aides said that she had to go into ICU last night..but she wouldn't expound on things.. As my wife and I were leaving the hospital we saw Lora's daughter and she told us that Lora had to go to ICU last night because of emergency surgery for blood clots in her lungs... Geez...that poor woman. Hopefully she is okay and we get to see her next week.

Well, during the last few days...I've been tinkering around...I mentioned before that I was going to start working on making myself a cane. So I have been doing that...I fully intended to take pictures and kind of document my progress but that didn't I managed to take a couple pictures today, as I finished the cane last night. After almost two weeks of 1/2 hour here or an hour there, I got it done. Tell me what you guys think.
The so that I can either see where I'm going...or keep my eye on someone if I need to..

I also wanted to say...when the "I Hate" list caught me on a day where things were ...not great.. and as a couple of others posted on the Yahoo TM Support group.."Hate" is such a strong word..and I don't typically use it at all for anything. It is actually a word that, when other people have said it about something, I would pipe in and ask them if they really, truly "hated" what it was that they were talking about..and in most cases the answer was "no".
Now, with me being a newbie to TM the emotions and feelings are still on edge...and I have recently had a bit of a shorter temper with many things so when I saw the "I hate" list it set me off..
For most of the things on that list...I can't say that I truly hate it...there are things I miss, and things I don't like much and things that I wish were different.. but I will say that I still don't mind cathing myself ;-) and I will also say that I do "hate" wearing diapers...
and you all are in my thoughts...

Take care..and it won't be over a week for my next blog update..

Till next time...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A quick Wednesday night update

Some of the folks over on the Yahoo TM Support group website had started a recent thread about certain "I Hate" things about having TM..
Here are a few...
Not being able to jump up and start dancing to my favorite songs!

Not being independant - asking for help or having to pay for help for things I use to do myself! Yardwork, normal upkeep of house, gardening, housework, etc.!

Not being able to play with my dog! Actually get on the floor and play OR chase him around the yard let alone the house!

Not being able to help others!

Not being able to be very spontaneous, and "just do something" at the spur of the moment....

Sleeping a full night without waking up because rolling over, moving, having to get up multiple times (to either go to the bathroom, "think" you have to go to the bathroom, ) needing to take
more medication for the night than you did earlier because the earlier dose was thought "to be enough," and not being able to fall back asleep due to pain, etc., OR the fact that you're pretty
well "awake" from your trips to the bathroom, etc., because Lord knows we can't move about in the dark (balance issues) so every light in the house has to come on....

Being dogged tired during the day (because of above,) or, "just
because" because TM is "oh so much fun" on any given day....
Just getting a few things off my chest about about this disease!!!
> I hate not being able to....
> not walk more than a few minutes with out feeling like I am going
> pass out...
> lay in bed and not feel like I am laying on an innertube...
> not pick up naything heavier than a cat...
> play any sports with my kids...
> just take one pill whenever I need it (a.k.a asprin)
> drive a car...
> feel my hands...
> make decisions on my own...
> take my dogs for a walk...
and is what I posted...

Ohhh Boy...did you guys ever open a can of worms here...

As Candis said.. "Not being independent. ." BINGO.. Not being able to even go outside to pull weeds out of my flower garden because it is too friggen hot...

I hate not being able to play with or walk my dog... That is one that pisses me off alot..

I hate not being able to help others also.. I was used to being the one that always did everything.. fixed stuff around the house..ran errands when we needed something, making tea for my wife in the morning and bringing it upstairs to her.

I hate waking up in the middle of the night and moving as fast as possible to the bathroom because I think I felt like I have to have a bowel movement only to find out it's only gas. Now, to get back sleep....yeah right.

I hate going to bed and tossing and turning for hours because my legs are throbbing so bad that no matter which way I lie, it hurts.

I hate breaking out in a sweat just hobbling out to the mailbox to get the mail and the newspaper. Any further than the end of the driveway and my legs feel like rubber and start to give out.

I hate getting winded just taking a shower.

I hate when I walk without my AFO and my left foot drops and I stub my toes on the floor and IT FRIGGEN HURTS.

I hate having to find places to set my cane so that it doesn't fall over and so that it is in easy reach.

I hate taking medicine all the time. (I have never had to take a pill in my life, I've never even had so much as stitches)

I hate when people tell me "You Look Good" (trade bodies with me for a day.. ass)

I hate when I go to bed and I get so hot that I start sweating.

I hate the bizarre dreams I have been having..(I don't know if it's from the meds or what, but the dreams are WEIRD)

I hate that when I am tired and I walk, my left foot slaps down because I can't control it.

I hate the feeling I have on the back of my feels like my skin is ripping apart.
I also hate all the weird sensations I have through my legs and backside..

Now, I don't mind having to cath myself..( I wish I could pee normally though) but I do hate trying to cath myself at 3:00am when I am half asleep, have no balance to stand so I sway back and forth and I have this rubber cath hanging out of myself spraying pee everywhere.. . (I hope that wasn't too graphic..sorry. I know...I should probably learn how to sit down..huh..? )

I hate wearing diapers..!!

Until next time..

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

It's September 2nd

My last post was this past Thursday and since then..we'll not much has happened. I was supposed to go to Water Therapy on Friday but didn't because I was having some stomach problems..I didn't feel very well at all..and yesterday (Monday) is my usual day for my regular therapy but since it was a holiday there was no therapy. I won't have anything now until Thursday.

The last couple of days I have just been spending working on some articles for my friend that writes Automotive Examiner articles for the San Francisco Examiner online edition ( Since he and I are both car nuts we have fun with it and it gives him national exposure to market the book he wrote a couple of years ago.
I also am going to start working on making myself my own personal hand carved cane. I figure that since I am more than likely going to need a cane for some time, I am going to make a nice "custom" one. I know enough about carving and I have some ideas that I think will make a pretty awesome cane.
I'll start taking pictures and post them as I make progress..which will be slow..since my stamina is terrible and I can only last about a half an hour or so..but I think it will be fun and it should help ease some of the boredom.
Until next time..