Monday, March 16, 2009


Well, it has not been the best of weekends. I had the cold last week and on Friday I started in with one of my "migraine" episodes(and I'm starting to think that these things really aren't migraines after all...don't ask me why I say that..I just have this feeling)
First off...on Friday I didn't have a headache...but the diarrhea started in...I didn't feel too bad but I knew something was coming on. Friday night i did not sleep well at all...
Saturday I was still in bad shape...and didn't sleep well. Yesterday same..and last night about 5:00pm I did start getting a headache.
I've been taking my Depakote all along and still had the headache last night but I feel that a good part of it was because I was so blasted tired from not sleeping.
Now, I slept fair last night..I've taken an Ambien each of he last three nights to try and get some sleep...This morning I was awake at 5:00am but the headache had subsided some. I don't feel too awful bad except for being all weak again.
I think also one of the reasons that I don't sleep so well, is that when these episodes flare up so do my TM left leg really bothers me with pain and is just plain uncomfortable. I've taken to sleeping with one of those leg pillows between my legs to try and keep my left leg comfortable.
Geez, I am soooo tired of all of this.
BTW...I didn't make PT today either...I just don't have the strength and I'm still fighting the remnants of diarrhea....
That's all for now...
Quick music post...
a little Brian Auger's Oblivion Express with Truth. Some of the best fusion jazz you'll ever hear..

Till Next Time......