Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I took my first tumble today since I got TM. I got up this morning about 6:45 because my Sophie dog needed to go out to potty..

So, I let her outside and I went out on the deck with her..it was really nice out this morning.
Well, I stood on the deck while she wandered around the yard for a couple of minutes and then there was a loud kind of a hammering noise that came from somewhere in the neighborhood and she does not like loud noises so she high tailed it back to the door..

Well, I wanted her to go pee before I let her back in so I hobbled out into the grass in the back yard..I was walking around a bit calling her to come out.. As I was walking I was watching her and not where I was going. I stepped with my left foot into a bit of a divot in the yard by the deck from where I took out a bush last year.

Since I don't have any strength in my left ankle at all, it immediately gave out and since I also have no balance I went right down. Luckily I was very near the deck so as I was going down I just kind of turned my body so that I landed on my left hip and also stopped myself with my hands.. I sustained no damage at all..it was just a bit of a surprise and I also kind of embarrassed myself, even though I don't think anyone saw me. I got right back up on my feet and finished walking around to make sure all was well.
Anyway, Sophie never peed...she stood there and watched me wagging her tail.. geez..