6 days since my last post.
and the reason is because the last six days have been pretty crappy and I just didn't feel like posting anything.
That first day I took the new meds (Amitriptyline) I slept great.. but Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday and last night I have slept like crap.
I did go to my wound center appointment yesterday..My bed sore (or as they call it..a pressure ulcer) wasn't too bad which I was glad to hear...but the doc says...no sleeping on your back.. no pressure on the area of the sore at all..other than to sit up briefly to eat, go to the bathroom etc..
That is part of the reason I slept so bad last night..I have a terrible time trying to sleep on my stomach so I try to sleep on my side which I can do for a short while but then my hip bone area gets so friggen sore that I can't stand it so I have to turn over to the other side.. and on and on all night long..
I am in more pain (my leg esp) today than I have been since I have been home from the hospital.
So, back to the bed sore.. I have to try and continue sleeping on my stomach or sides for two weeks.. and then I go back for a follow up. The doc says he better see some improvement by then or they may have to admit me to get this thing healed up.. I guess I'll do my best to stay off of my back and get this healed up..
Anyway, I gotta tell ya...I know there are diseases and disorders far worse than what I have and I know that there are other people that are having far worse problems with their TM than I am but I would not wish this on anyone.. and I know that I am very early on with whatever recovery I am going to make.. but the days have such ups and downs..
I have what I considered a milestone when I could start moving my left ankle and toes a little bit and then I have days like today where I feel absolutely miserable..
This is the wildest roller coaster ride I've ever been on..
Till next time... take care everyone..
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