Happy Anniversary
Sending out a wonderful "Happy Anniversary" to my wonderful, beautiful wife.....
15 years we've been married.....7 of them with me having TM....
My TM hit 13 days prior to our 8th anniversary...We were on vacation when it hit..
frown emoticon
The last 7 years have put things to the test to say the least and my wife has been amazing.
I couldn't have asked for anything better....She has been my absolute jewel helping to take care of some of my TM issues as they've come along and being there for me through thick and thin.
I certainly wish that the last 7 years had been different and that she didn't have to deal with me putting up with this.
She didn't marry me to have to deal with this mess......but I love her for being there for me.
I've kidded her on occasion .....My Lizzie is my third marriage.....and sometimes I've kidded her that she's the best wife I ever had......
Well.....I mean that..
She is the best wife I could have ever asked for....
I'm the luckiest damn guy.......and thankful beyond words...!!
Lizzie....I Love You.....!!
I hope and wish that the next 7 years and beyond, bring better things for us....
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