Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tuesday morning

and I'm sooooo tired.
I guess I was wishing and hoping too much for another good nights sleep, I must have jinxed myself.
About 2:45 this morning...I was starting to stir...legs started bothering me and I was feeling the urge that I had to pee... when I start stirring around, my dog wakes up too. I layed here in bed trying to go back to sleep but then the next thing I know...I have this cold, wet nose in my face...(no, not my wife's either) and the dog starts doing her quiet, inside bark. She wanted to get up to pee also. It's now 3:00am.

So....My turn was first to go potty....and then we went downstairs and I let Sophie out. I'm not sure what it was that she was smelling, but she must have caught wind of some critter. She was all over the yard and was outside for almost 15 minutes before I could get her back in.

We head back up to bed and the first thing Sophie does is hop up on the bed...(picture this..she is an 85lb. Black Lab) and crawls up on my pillow and she lays down. So, I sit on the edge of the bed...and I'm telling Sophie...she better scoot over. No response. I try to shove her over a bit.... HAH.. Have you ever tried to move an 85lb dead weight anything..? Hard enough to do without compounding it with balance issues and all.
So, I sit back down on the bed...my wife is stirring now...I'm thinking..Ohh geez..
forget it.
I throw my sweats on and my shoes...and my wife rolls over and says.."what the hell are you doing, it's 2:30..?"
I say.."No it's not, it's after 3:00..I'm going downstairs so at least you can get some sleep"
I called Sophie..."Sophie come on, lets go downstairs and have a cookie (doggy treat)" She pops up and she's at the bedroom door ready to go.

We go downstairs, I get her the doggy treat and we both crawl on the couch and she beats me going back to sleep. I'm sitting there on the couch trying to get comfortable because of the pain I have in my ass...literally. I shift from side to side multiple times..and finally find a decent spot. I rest my head back and finally..I guess I fell asleep. I wake to an annoying pain through my tailbone and top of the back of my legs, like the skin is ripping apart. It's now about 4:15am.

So, if it's not me waking because I have to pee, It's my legs or it's the dog or it's something...and once I'm up now...It is a struggle to go back to sleep...so I normally stay up and now it's about 10:00am and I am winding down fast...as soon as I finish this update...I'm thinking nap time.

Anyway, I posted the videos yesterday...and put out the challenge...or request or whatever you want to call it.. That I'll take music requests and if I can find them, I'll post them. Well, thanks to my Sis...god love her...she took me up on that. She made a couple of requests... so don't shoot the messenger when you see what we have today.. (just kidding Donna...I very vividly remember watching these folks on TV when I was a youngster..and liking them too.. :-) )

We have for your listening and viewing pleasure today...Sonny and Cher... and also Tony Orlando and Dawn.

and how about one more for good luck.. Another song from the Wayback machine..
Joe South.. The Games People Play.

Two days until Thanksgiving.....I can smell it now...


Animations provided by MySpaceAnimations.com

Remember everyone..I take requests...and pretty soon we'll be featuring Christmas music here. Ho Ho Ho

Well....time for a snooze..

Till Next Time......


Anonymous said...

Thank you KEVIN....xxx
The outfits, the interaction, the great hair cuts....
So here's the seguay to another request:

My boyfriend's got a beetle haircut, by, of course, the beetles!

When Christmas comes arond, I wan my 3 favs...Charle Brown Christmas music theme, the Grinch theme, and Snoppy and the Red Barron Christmas!

lots of love