Friday, November 14, 2008

Okay...Friday morning

Time to update...and today is my 6 month TM anniversary...woohoo..!!

I have to back up a couple of days here..My last update was Tuesday, Veterans Day...and it was a somber day for me...although I had a great time at my nephews school.
Tuesday evening..I started not feeling to well...I've mentioned before that I get these episodes where I start getting sick..I get a headache, feel crappy, diarrhea...etc.. The thing is...every time in the always started on a Friday or Saturday. Well, it appears that I've broken that cycle. This time it starts on a Tuesday evening.
I also mentioned before, that I spoke to my Neuro about this..and he thought maybe he prescribed Imatrex. Well, I took an Imatrex Tuesday night...and it did nothing. I took one Wednesday did nothing.
Wednesday was a brutal day for me..mentally.. I was still in a very depressed mood from Veterans Day...and not feeling well certainly wasn't helping...Wednesday was a bad, bad day mentally.
So, Wednesday night I'm thinking about my PT session on Thursday...I figured...if I still felt as bad Thursday morning as I did Wednesday night then I'm not doing PT.
Well, with as bad as I was feeling I didn't sleep for crap....I rolled back and forth all night long...

Thursday morning I still felt like crap. I called off of PT. I was also scheduled for two appts at the VA clinic Thursday was my mental health session and the other was just a follow up with the Psychiatrist to check on my meds. The VA called and they had to cancel the Psychiatrist appt..the doc was sick.
So, by the afternoon..I was feeling well enough to make my mental health appt..which I'm glad I had and went to. If not for anything else..just to try and bring me back to reality and help get me out of the funk I was in.
The rest of Thursday wasn't bad...I started feeling a bit better...although the headache was still hanging on..I didn't have any other "problems" during the day.

I slept fairly well last night..I don't remember waking very often.. and I feel pretty decent this morning..with a very slight headache.. Lets hope the rest of the day gets better.

I don't like it when I wait for three days to update, especially when I've had some events happen. I struggle to try and remember some of the stuff I want to update..
That was one of my goals with this blog was to be able to update friends and family but also to have a record of things as they happen. The cognitive effects of TM play hell with me sometimes.. Some days are good..I remember things I want to remember, other days...forget it. My therapist suggested carrying a small note pad...and jot stuff as I need to.. hmmm..

Anyway.....I'm signing off for now...I have some e-mails to catch up on.. These last couple of days of being in this funk I have neglected answering any I must do that.

To close...a song about Friday..
From "The Cure"... a little bit of my taste for the pop/goth/punk music..
"Friday I'm in Love"
and you just gotta love Robert Smiths hairdo..

and one other song...from the Motown/Soul/R&B era of the early 70's...this was actually a genre of music classified as "psychedelic soul"
This is a song written by the greats.."The Temptations" called "Smiling Faces Sometimes".
BUT...this is a version of the song done by a group called "The Undisputed Truth" and your going to love the stage makeup..
this song still brings chills to is soooo awesome...

Till Next Time........ :-) <---smiling face.. lol


Anonymous said...

I "celebrate" my TM anniversary every year - Feb 25. One of my good friends normally takes me out to dinner. I think it's important to mark such a traumatic day - I know we can't really celebrate it, but it's important to honor the day. Keep striving!