Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I took the weekend off from updating because..my wife and I were in
Erie, PA visiting my mom for the weekend..It was a much needed getaway for me.

The drive from here in
Canton to Erie is just under 2 1/2 hours...and it wasn't too bad. I got uncomfortable a few times because I have alot of pain right at my tailbone but I adjusted myself a few times and was okay.

I didn't update while I was there because it was just a nice relaxing visit to get away from it all..

My wife and I headed back yesterday (Monday) and stopped in
Cleveland because my wife had her one year followup appointment at the hospital where she had her GB surgery done. We finally made it back home here to Canton about 5:30pm.
One thing...while heading out of
Erie on I-90...we had a good blast of snow for quite some time..but as we got closer to Cleveland it turned to rain...so I think we can pretty much figure that Old Man Winter is right around the corner..

I know that since the weather has been getting colder..my legs are getting more achy...they hurt pretty good this morning when I woke up...I hope this isn't an indication of things to come over the winter as the weather gets colder..but from what I have been hearing from others with TM..is that the cold weather plays hell with us.. Oh Boy.. I can't wait.

So...we are now at 4 days and counting for Halloween... and with that in mind...a thought came to me in while I was in
Just outside of
Erie, PA is a township called Girard township...and there in that township, in a VERY rural part of the township is a covered bridge..a very old covered bridge..built around 1837. The bridge still stands and is still used to this day...
and during my younger days..the bridge used to be a very popular spot, especially on Halloween..because it is said that the bridge is haunted.
Here are some pictures of the bridge...
Gudgeonville Bridge in the winter

Here is a picture of the bridge in the summer...

and here is a picture of the side of the bridge taken from Elk Creek

There are two legends asoociated with this bridge...

The first goes like this...........

One is that of a little girl from a nearby family, who was playing too near the shale cliffs by the bridge, and supposedly fell to her death sometime back in the 1940's or 50's. She is said to walk the bridge on moonless nights or on the anniversary of her death.

The other legend...based on an old mule named Gudgeon goes as such....

Sometime around 1855, a man from Kentucky by the name of Obadiah Will was delivering a mule to a fellow in Meadville, PA. As fate would have it, Will and his mule had just reached the bridge over Elk Creek at the same time as a couple of barges were coming up the Beaver and Erie Canal, which ran only a short distance from the creek. On board the barges was a circus – the Girard based “Dan Rice’s Circus”. On one of the barges, a calliope began playing. When the squawking, roaring and hooting of the calliope reached the ears of Gudgeon the mule, the animal supposedly dug it’s hooves into the bridge and dropped dead from fright.

A second (and less poetic) version says that the mule froze in fright, but that Mr. Will took a large stick to the beast to try to get it to move, but ended up beating old Gudgeon to death!

It is now said that the bridge is haunted by an apparition of Gudgeon the mule.

Here is a picture taken by some ghost hunters that shows a strange unknown mist that only showed up in the picture......

Till Next Time..........................................