Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Weekend

went well as far as sleep goes. The new meds seem to be working so far. Yesterday was rather odd though, I woke up at 5:00am to go to the bathroom and when I came back to bed I didn't go back to sleep. So, since I was still awake I got in the shower about 7:00am after watching some of the morning news. I had PT yesterday and since I was feeling rather good I really worked myself. I also did some new exercises which I like and my therapist told me that I have met the short term goals that they had set up for me, so I was glad of that. By the end of my PT session I was so tired that when my wife got me home I did go back to sleep and the rest of the day I was exhausted.

The only other thing this weekend was that I had a minor bowel accident on Saturday after dinner. I noticed alot of rumbling in my stomach and the next thing I knew I had some very "wet gas" and I got up and got into the bathroom as quick as I could and had very loose bowels.

Now, today for some reason I am still very tired. I had good sleep last night. I woke up at 8:00am to go to the bathroom and I am just feeling really run down. I don't know if it is maybe just my body still catching up from waking so early yesterday and the exertion of PT. Oh well, that's it for now. I'm gonna try to go back to sleep for awhile..
Until next time..


mona said...

I too had a bowel accident recently! whoa! how embarassing. I had eaten a Luna protein bar and I think that did me in. I was at the Country club with my step daughter planning her wedding reception with the "flower lady" and the "cake lady". all of a sudden...ops...I gotta go! Can't run...so shuffled as fast as I could to the ladies room and had to fend for myself to clean up and hope no one came in. Most embarassing moment since 3rd grade when my nose was running and didn't have a tissue. ha-ha
Oh forgot to say this is mona from findlay. TM as of Jan 8 2008. just went to the urologist yesterday for complete testing of my bladder and kidney to computer read how everything is working. I now know when I have to go, I just need to be close to a bathroom. which is not always an option when traveling or shopping.
I love your blog and try to read it every few days to "bond" with another TM person.
The heat does sap our strength. We have a boat in Marblehead and sitting out in the heat weakens me to the point sometimes that I don't have the strength to hardly talk out loud. I just go below, turn on the air, lay down, and within ten minutes or so of cooler air I am refreshed for another cycle of fresh hot air!
do you still have numbness in your lower extremities? I do. Last week I was taking food of the grill and my left leg popped right up in the air!. My friend saw it and asked what was that? I laughed and said I don't know. I guess Mr. Leg just wanted to move more. Well he thought maybe I had gotten a sliver or something. We checked. I had stepped on a hot coal and totally burned the bottom of my foot! Blister instantly! somehow my brain knew to move the foot fast, but I had no pain. Now for the next 5 days every step made my whole leg tense/contract to the point of searing pain which only vicadin touched. Still didn't have pain from the bottom of my foot. wow. What a science project we have turned into.
Well I have rambled on and on and thank you for all your honesty and sharing. May you continue to heal.