It's been over two months again......geez.
Yep, over 2 months since I posted last....
I don't know what is keeping me from making regular posts here.....I guess it could be a combination of laziness, staying busy with my Facebook TM group and also we now have a new puppy that I've been working with, to try and potty train her.....
Here's a picture of her passed out in bed...
So....let's see, what's the latest news....
Really, for the most part everything is status quo.....No major changes for the better or worse.
I suppose that's a good thing....except for the fact that the weather changes and now the cold weather is starting to play hell with the legs again....and it seems moreso this year, than in years past.
Why that is, I don't know.
I had an appointment with my neurologist pain doc a couple of months ago, and we made the decision to make some changes to my meds...
I had been on MS Contin and Vicodon for so long that they were basically doing nothing any more...
So, he put me on Fantanyl patches that I change every 72 hours (3 days) and also Oxycodone.
These meds seems to help some but just not as much as I had hoped.....
I think that my pain tolerance is going down hill....I used to be able to tolerate pain quite well....but, not so much anymore.
Also, the one thing with these meds, is that they make me incredibly sleepy.....or actually, I think that they are just expounding my fatigue....
I get tired out much quicker and my body just feels worn out all the time.
I'm still having the sleep issues.....My legs get to aching so bad that I am usually up between 2 to 4 AM every morning...
I'll take a pain pill and get up and move around some, and after about an hour or so, my legs feel a bit least they don't ache so bad anyway.
So, I don't know....All I do know, is that I'm not looking forward to winter time....and the snow and ice.
I had an appointment at the VA back in August, to get some new shoes ordered and to also get another pair of the orthotic inserts for my shoes....
My feet have been another thing that drives me nuts....between the pain, especially in my heels, and the weird feet are making me crazy....
Well, I was lucky enough to get a nice orthtotist and she had 3 pair of the orthotic inserts made for now I have 3 brand new pair of the inserts and I can use them in my every day shoes, my slippers and have an extra pair...
But....I am still waiting on my new pair of shoes.
Apparently they are on backorder. Something about the end of the fiscal year ending and new funds being released at the beginning of the fiscal year.
I'm supposed to call her around the middle of October to check on my shoes.....
I'm not holding my breath.
Don't get me wrong, the VA has been great as far as helping me out with various things but there is some kind of issue when it comes to getting shoes....I had this same type of problem with this last pair of shoes I got from them.
Well.....I'm sitting here nodding off....I don't want to fall asleep on all of, I'm going to cut this off for now.....and I promise I'll post again sooner this next time.....
To finish always....a little music post...
Sort of an "oldie".....
The band was The Marmalade...with this song, Reflections Of My Life.
Till Next Time......
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