Monday, August 17, 2009

Well, Hello World.......

My last post was July 5th...and today is August 17th....what a long strange trip it's been since my last, not really.
I've just decided to scale back my postings....for a couple of reasons...first, I got tired of my bitch sessions...complain, complain, complain...Seems that TM can make you complain alot about many things... That creates a very negative feeling and I didn't like it so much.
Second, I've been puttering around with my wood carvings and cane making...not that it has been taking up a ton of my time, it's just that it is a bit more constructive, helps relieve some stress and allows me a chance to escape from the day to day drama of this house.

Here is my latest cane.....

I'm going to make a few more canes and then start posting them on a couple of craft websites and see if I get any hits on them so that maybe I can sell a few....keep your fingers crossed..!

Otherwise, as far as me and my TM....pretty much at an even keel now...I've grown accustomed to the pain and the achy legs. Although there are days that the pain is considerably higher than others and I do have to resort to my pain meds.
What I mean by the pain...just to give you an that it radiates from my tailbone...and it is a burning/fiery pain that goes down through my butt and down the tops of the backs of my legs where it feels like my skin is being ripped open. That is nerve pain. It's a really weird feeling/sensation to have all the time.
I also have one muscle in my left glute that runs down to about halfway to my knee that is almost always in a constant state of spasm. Usually, more so first thing in the morning and late at night.
The humidity of the summer is playing hell with me...I can tell the slightest change in humidity in my legs...the more humidity, the more achy my legs are...weird, huh..?
Also, with the heat/humidity...fatigue is really bad. I sweat like a fool and I wear out in a matter of minutes.

Lately I've had pretty good luck (knock on wood) with the migraines....I've not had any of the real bad ones at all. Just a very low grade headache that ran from August 10 - 13 but it didn't affect anything that I did. Hopefully, this new medication the doc has me on is doing the trick....

Well....I guess that's about it for now....I'll close with this and maybe write a bit more soon....
With us being in the middle of August....and the weather being makes me thing of an old album by a great artist...the album...Hot August Nights...Neil Diamond
Off of that album there was a song that I love to this we are.

Till Next Time......