Friday, October 31, 2008


Happy Halloween everyone…I apologize for the late update but I forgot that I had two appointments at the VA today. I had my mental health appointment and I also had my appointment for an eye exam. The eye exam went well…I think I may have mentioned before that I was concerned about the pressure in my eyes because the last time I had an eye exam, I was told that the pressure was slightly to the high side of normal. Which in itself is not really anything to worry about but I was also on the anti-depressant Effexor which I was told that can cause eye pressure to rise. If anyone doesn’t know, the elevated eye pressure can be an indication of the beginning of Glaucoma.
Well, today everything was fine..pressure is still on the high side of normal but the eye doc told me that it is because I have thick corneas. That can cause the type of reading they got with the pressure. No big deal.. whew.

Anyway…today is Halloween…I hope everyone had or is going to have a wonderful spooky holiday….

My finale today…… from my dog Sophie…she wanted to wish everyone a Happy Halloween…so without further adieu…

TILL NEXT TIME… BBbbbbwwwWWaaaHHHahhhhaaaahahaa

Thursday, October 30, 2008

One Day

left until Halloween...
Quick TM update...had PT new news from that other than I screwed up this morning before I went...I took my meds beforehand.. I learned a long time ago to wait and take my meds after PT..because they make me soooo tired. I forgot this morning..I had a little bit to eat and then my routine is after I eat I come back up to my bedroom and take my meds because one of them has to be taken with food. I don't know what I was thinking...heh..I guess I wasn't thinking..and then of course it could have been one of the side effects of TM or the meds even...forgetfulness and loss of some cognitive abilities.. either way..I went to PT and was very, very tired. But dammit...I got through it okay.
Only other thing..and I've already said it before in another legs are so sore..from the cooler weather I guess. Cindie, my therapist...stretched me after she did e-stim...and the stretches were legs hated her.

Anyway, Halloween is tomorrow... more spooky video....actually two videos...they are short teasers from another movie my friend did..and then I'll have to figure out what to do for the finale..

Till Next Time...........................

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Hump Day Posting

I checked my blog this morning and saw that a couple of the Halloween things I posted were no longer figured I would post something and find some new stuff to add.

First thing....the weather...It's 35 degrees right now...and windy.. The sky has that winter snow sky look to it. Funny thing is..By's going to be 60 and sunny. This time of year is so back and forth with what it does.
Anyway..I just wanted to post the current weather map..I am lucky and glad my wife and I came back from Erie on Monday...good old Erie.. I grew up there and the winters can be absolutely brutal..Of's the good old lake effect snow.
As I is the current weather map..I made a red arrow to roughly where Canton is on I-77 and I circled Erie right up there on the lake. Have a look.

Look at all that white area designating snow..It looks like Erie is right there with a snow, ice, rain mix...yukk.. and Canton is there in that nice big clear area.. We really have it lucky here with our winters because they just aren't near as bad as the areas closer to the lake.

Real quick..while I'm thinking about it... I'm calling out a friend of my wife and know who you are..
I want to thank you for calling and leaving Lizzie that voicemail.. I figured I'd send a note this way since you said that you read these updates when they come you know how I'm doing...but you wanted to know how Lizzie is doing. It may take her forever to getting around to calling you I'm thanking you for thinking of that.
I'll try to get her to call or shoot you a note soon...that way you can hear right from her how she is doing.
You're more than welcome to stop by anytime...hell, I'm always home now..unless I'm at PT, but that is during the day.

So, Did anyone read the ghost story of old Gudgeon the mule and the bridge..? I love that bridge..always have..
I don't have any other creepy Halloween stories like that one but I do know a guy that makes and produces short horror type movies...
How about one of those...? It's about 18 minutes long...if you can handle it for that long...
It's called Dark Wind Woods........ MMmmwwwwwaaaaaaahhhhaaaaaahhhaaaaa

I'll leave it at that for now.... more scary stuff coming up...We still have two more days until Halloween...

Till Next Time............ Bbbwwwwaaaaaaaaaahhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaahahhaaaaaaa

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I took the weekend off from updating wife and I were in
Erie, PA visiting my mom for the weekend..It was a much needed getaway for me.

The drive from here in
Canton to Erie is just under 2 1/2 hours...and it wasn't too bad. I got uncomfortable a few times because I have alot of pain right at my tailbone but I adjusted myself a few times and was okay.

I didn't update while I was there because it was just a nice relaxing visit to get away from it all..

My wife and I headed back yesterday (Monday) and stopped in
Cleveland because my wife had her one year followup appointment at the hospital where she had her GB surgery done. We finally made it back home here to Canton about 5:30pm.
One thing...while heading out of
Erie on I-90...we had a good blast of snow for quite some time..but as we got closer to Cleveland it turned to I think we can pretty much figure that Old Man Winter is right around the corner..

I know that since the weather has been getting legs are getting more achy...they hurt pretty good this morning when I woke up...I hope this isn't an indication of things to come over the winter as the weather gets colder..but from what I have been hearing from others with that the cold weather plays hell with us.. Oh Boy.. I can't wait.

So...we are now at 4 days and counting for Halloween... and with that in mind...a thought came to me in while I was in
Just outside of
Erie, PA is a township called Girard township...and there in that township, in a VERY rural part of the township is a covered bridge..a very old covered bridge..built around 1837. The bridge still stands and is still used to this day...
and during my younger days..the bridge used to be a very popular spot, especially on Halloween..because it is said that the bridge is haunted.
Here are some pictures of the bridge...
Gudgeonville Bridge in the winter

Here is a picture of the bridge in the summer...

and here is a picture of the side of the bridge taken from Elk Creek

There are two legends asoociated with this bridge...

The first goes like this...........

One is that of a little girl from a nearby family, who was playing too near the shale cliffs by the bridge, and supposedly fell to her death sometime back in the 1940's or 50's. She is said to walk the bridge on moonless nights or on the anniversary of her death.

The other legend...based on an old mule named Gudgeon goes as such....

Sometime around 1855, a man from Kentucky by the name of Obadiah Will was delivering a mule to a fellow in Meadville, PA. As fate would have it, Will and his mule had just reached the bridge over Elk Creek at the same time as a couple of barges were coming up the Beaver and Erie Canal, which ran only a short distance from the creek. On board the barges was a circus – the Girard based “Dan Rice’s Circus”. On one of the barges, a calliope began playing. When the squawking, roaring and hooting of the calliope reached the ears of Gudgeon the mule, the animal supposedly dug it’s hooves into the bridge and dropped dead from fright.

A second (and less poetic) version says that the mule froze in fright, but that Mr. Will took a large stick to the beast to try to get it to move, but ended up beating old Gudgeon to death!

It is now said that the bridge is haunted by an apparition of Gudgeon the mule.

Here is a picture taken by some ghost hunters that shows a strange unknown mist that only showed up in the picture......

Till Next Time..........................................

Friday, October 24, 2008


and it's one week before Halloween......
I do believe that this whole coming week, my posts will in some way, shape or form have something to do with Halloween..
Halloween is my favorite holiday..always has been..I don't know why..
Since I wasn't able this year to help out a friend of mine put on his haunted trail..(because of the TM) I have to get my Halloween fix somehow.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


and it was PT day.
I'll start by saying that I didn't sleep for crap last night.. I was awake at 4:00am to pee and my legs were throbbing...

I was so exhausted that I went back to bed and managed to get back to sleep for awhile..
Went to PT..typical stuff.. stretches wore me out.. I had no strength or balance at all today...
So anyway...I also had a followup with my Neuro today after PT.

Basically not much has changed...talked to him about the pain and the sleep issues... he wants me to double my MSContin...maybe that will help some with the pain.. He asked me if what I was taking was helping at all...I told him that the MSContin and Vicodon barely take the edge of the pain and the throbbing I wants me to double the MSContin..
For sleep...he told me to take another Ambien if I wake up during the night..and see if that helps me get a decent nights sleep..

The only other thing is that I'm going to see if I can work it out possibly through the VA to get a home E-stim unit...It seems to be helping to do that at if I can get a home stim unit then maybe I'll get more strength and movement back..

My only worry about having a home that my wife might hook it up to my head while I'm sleeping... :-) LOL

So...that's the latest news...not much but making slow, slow progress...

A quick dedication to Kimberley as Sunday gets closer and she gets ready for her half marathon she is running.. You're gonna do great Kim..!! the music...
I know a couple of people have been checking it out...because they have made comments to me in e-mails we have exchanged..
One of the people is my sister is St. Johns Newfoundland... Yep..I'm calling you out Donna..

She made a comment to me that she enjoyed it and wondered if I could find any Van the Man..(Van Morrison)
Donna, dear... I'll go one better that than that...not only Van... but Van with the Chieftains..
Does it get much better than that..? doesn't.
So my first posting is Van Morrison with the Chieftains..

and next...probably one of the most beautiful songs ever written...and of's another Van Morrison song..
I dedicate this song to my wife...Liz.

okay...two videos for now...
I'll post some more tomorrow..

Till Next Time........................

Monday, October 20, 2008


I didn't have a great night last night.. I don't feel like I slept very well at all and today so far my legs are really bothering me. That achy, throbbing type pain...I'm thinking that the cooler weather is possibly bringing this on..especially because of the fact that my internal thermostat is so screwed up that when the temp. changes outside I'm sure it has some effects on me and the TM.

On that note about the outside has been kind of strange to me lately..because the temp has been in the low 40's and this morning it was 30 degrees outside when I got up (5:30am). I let the dog out first thing and I go out on the deck with her and wait for her to finish...and while I am standing outside, it actually feels good to me...these cooler temps feel nice and I can stand there and not get cold at all and I'm usually just in a T-shirt. So, on one hand...the cooler weather is elevating my pain in my legs..but on the other hand, 30 and 40 degree weather doesn't feel cold to me. What am I going to do with myself..??

PT was okay today...Cindie did my e-stim and then she stretched me. Ohhhhh man..the stretches really did me in. They feel so good but the pain...especially today... Aarrrggghh..

I want to make a dedication to someone that I have "met" through a Facebook TM group
( Her name is Kimberley and she is the groups creator. The reason I want to make this dedication is because she has had TM for 2 1/2 years and through her hard work and determination she is again participating in marathons. In September she ran a full marathon and this Sunday she is going to be running a half marathon. She is truly an inspiration to all of us TMr's. I would like it if everyone that reads this to keep Kimberley in your thoughts on Sunday. doesn't look like anyone left any comments or made any requests as far as the music I posted... and I'm not even sure if any of you lucky readers even listened to anything...
so, I will post some new stuff...If anyone does listen to it..I hope you enjoy. Let me know if you do or not.

Till Next Time................................

Friday, October 17, 2008

Late night post

I"ve been goofing with my blog, and going through some music sites..(youtube, myspace, Wolfgangs Vault) just listening to some old music I haven't heard in quite some time...and I came to the realization that the embed code for alot of this stuff is available to post on your own sites and I've been playing.

This post has nothing to do with my TM...this is strictly just a goofing around thing..
I thought maybe if I posted some music on my would give the folks that visit something to listen to while browsing around.

I will be changing this stuff on a fairly regular keep that in mind if you want to see what new stuff I've posted.

The first block of music I've posted is a bit "older" so those of you that maybe knew what growing up in the '60's and 70's'll probably remember and like what I have posted. I've kept it all pretty easy going..(even though I do enjoy "RAWK" and may throw some in occasionally) but I will say that I am not a Top 40 type of person so don't expect that.
So, for now... I hope you enjoy...and by the way...I'll take requests..
leave a comment and if I can find it, I'll post it. How's that for service..?

I thank all the regulars for popping in and reading this rag.(by the way..let others you know about my blog..I'd like to get some new readers).. stick with me..and we'll all find some way to get through this TM thing somehow..

Till Next Time...............................................


the 17th.
Had my PT session yesterday...had to be re-evaled. I have to be reevaluated after every 10 sessions to monitor my progress. Turns out that I have gained some range of motion in my left foot. I can now move my foot up and down about 5 degrees and also side to side. I could not do that before. Is that progress..? is, very slight, but it is progress.

Talked with my therapist about my visits and I said..after every 10 sessions I get re-evaled and then after every 18 sessions I have to get reapproved for more more sessions through my insurance. Considering I go to regular PT twice a week and also go to water therapy once a week, that is three sessions a week. The problem is that my water therapy is only 15 minutes long and I'm burning a PT session to do that.

My therapist recommended that I contact a local Y that has free swim sessions for the disabled. Since I am unsupervised at water therapy now and only do 15 minutes it would be more effective for me to do that instead of burning an approved session. So, that is what I'm going to do.

I also had an appointment at the local VA center yesterday. A mental health session.. we didn't get into the meat of things yet...he is still compiling a lot of the background info he needs...but I will be going back in two weeks and every two weeks after. I got my depression med prescription filled..will be taking Wellbutrin now. After giving the psyschiatrist my background info and family info and living situation and explaining about the meltdowns I've had and so on..she also saw the need to prscribe me Lorazepam (Ativan) which is an anti anxiety med. She says to only take if absolutely necessary.

I also spoke with the ortho section and I am going to be getting an appointment scheduled to go in for a fitting for a new AFO and also orthopedic shoes. That should be within the next couple of weeks..
Also while at the VA my wife and I spoke with the Social Workers there and we were talking about my TM and if there is any possibility of it being tied into anything that may have occured while I was active duty Air Force. If I can show that, then I may qualify for military disability..
So, I have some homework to do...I know how frusrating it is to get copies of records from the records depot in St. Louis so I am going to try and contact the Paralyzed Veterans of America assoc. and see if they can help out in any way.
I guess well see how all that goes...I know how the government works sometimes..

Anyway........2 weeks until Halloween Boo's and Ghoul's

myspace layouts

myspace layouts

Till Next Time.............

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

New update

today. I didn't update over the weekend or until today because everything had been pretty uneventful..(YAY) I actually felt pretty far as feeling pretty good can be with this..(I guess I'm getting used to the pain and discomfort sometimes..if I'm doing something to occupy my mind I kind of forget about it..but if I'm just sitting or laying ...dammmm My legs and backside hurt, burn, ache...etc. I said..this weekend and up until Monday night/Tuesday morning I felt okay. Tuesday Morning I woke up at 5:30...legs had been bothering me and I had to pee... I was extremely tired all day yesterday..I even had to take a couple hour nap...I just felt wore out.
So, I go to bed last night about 11:00pm..and almost right away..I'm laying here watching TV and damned if my legs don't start throbbing..I try to get to sleep and I can't get comfortable for anything..I remember rolling over and looking at the clock and it was 1:22am..and then later I look at the clock and it's 3:43am and then it's 5:00am...and I have to, I get up.
My wife said I was rolling back and forth all night.. so I know I didn't sleep well and of course I know she didn't sleep very well either.. I feel so bad for her sometimes having to put up with my unpredictable sleep habits with this TM.

Ohhh....I forgot this...I had to come back and edit my post.. Yesterday was also my five month anniversary with TM...I had forgotten or I would have posted.

Well..I have PT tomorrow..I'll probably update again then...Also...I was invited to join another TM site that was just created..It looks nice and I've linked it here on my Blog, under the links section.
Here is my page..

Till Next Time.......................................................................................................................

Friday, October 10, 2008


Let's see... First off..It is awesome outside..the weather is amazing..sunny and just at 70 degrees. Gonna have a little bit of outside time today.

Had my water therapy today...only 15 minutes as requested by my Neuro.. I haven't been to water therapy for a couple of weeks, and I can sure tell. Even though I only did 15 minutes..It did tire me out.

Okay..what else.. For those of you that visit my blog regularly you may have noticed that I have added and changed some things.. I will continue doing that to keep my blog fresh.. Since I have started doing my has become a bit of a project for me and it has morphed from just something to keep family and friends updated on me to something I can be a little creative with. It's kind of fun playing around with some of the "widgets" and applications available for this.

I had a visitor to my blog a few days ago..Sue Thomas..She left me a comment so that is how I know who it was..But her comment was so nice and it was such a pleasure reading it. I don't know how Sue found my blog but I am glad she did and I hope she revisits because I left her a comment back and I'd like her to know how much I appreciated it. Which, by the way...for those of you that do visit..go ahead and leave a comment..don't be bashful. Even if it's just to say "Hi" or if have any constructive criticism on the blog.

Only 3 weeks until Halloween....

Till Next Time....................................................

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Okay boys and girls...

We'll do a quick update today.

Last night sucked..Rolled over to go to sleep about 11:00pm...tossed and turned and tossed and turned..legs hurt really bad. I could not get comfortable for anything and I was also doing the hot/cold back and forth..
So, I roll over and look at the's 1:30am.. I think to myself..F*CK, this really sucks.. I roll back over and then the next's 2:30am..I have to pee.

I get up and make it into the bathroom..and I realize how tired I am...I can't even hardly stand. While I'm in the bathroom..I look in the mirror..Not sure if anyone has ever had this happen before..but if you have sweated during the night and your head is all sweaty and your hair is a mangled mess.. that's what I saw when I looked in the mirror. Again, I'm thinking to myself.

Back to bed..I guess I must have dozed off for awhile..the next thing I remember is that it's 5:30am. I kind of roll over and I realize that my dog (Check out her picture, she's not little..85 pound Black Lab) is sleeping between my wife's and my I roll over and throw my arm around her..and I doze off and on until the dog gets too hot from me and she gets down off the bed.
Now, it's after 7:00am..gotta pee again. Grrrrrr
I went ahead and just got up and got in the shower..I figured a nice shower would help wake me up a bit..and it did feel good.

By 8:30am I came up to the bedroom to take my meds...and my wife is awake and tells me that she doesn't feel good..We think maybe her Fybromyalgia is acting up..
I call off for my PT today..between my wife not feeling well..and me being dead tired..

So..that's today so's just after noon.. Probably a nap is in store today..
We'll see how the rest of the day goes.

One thing I have learned so far with having TM.. You can always expect the unexpected.. There is no rhyme or reason on any given day as to how I'm going to feel or if my legs are going to hurt or whatever..

Till Next Time..........................................................

Monday, October 6, 2008

GoodBye Blue Monday

Had PT today..Cindie hooked me up to the e-stim.. That always feels good..I guess I like a little ZAP....
While I was doing e-stim..Cindie was checking my files to see what some of my goals were..I know I mentioned before about the walking 2500 feet goal..and Cindie and I discussed that..and we both determined that 2500 feet right now is an extremely lofty goal.
So, Cindie told me that two other goals were to walk outside on uneven terrain and to also navigate an outdoor flight of steps..
After e-stim Cindie says..lets go outside.. which I was more than up was so nice and cool out this morning that I figured it would be nice to get out. Cindie asked if I wanted to take my wheelchair to get to the door to go outside..and me in my stubbornness and desire to push myself to make improvements, I told Cindie that I would walk.

So, down the hall we the elevator..and down to the bottom floor. Out of the elevator and a short walk down another hall to the door that went outside. We go outside and the first thing is the flight of steps.. No Problem at all..but it was a little tiring. As we got to the top of the flight of stairs there is a nice brick walkway that we started our way down..and then some picnic tables.

At this point I said I needed to rest for just a quick minute. I sat and got my breath and then we started off. She wanted me to walk through the grass and up and over curbs and such to see how well I navigated everything. There was also a short handicap ramp leading to one of the doors so she had me go up and turn around and back we start heading back towards the steps and now I'm getting a little wore out..My left foot starts slapping down..which I know is a good indicator that I'm tired.

I had to stop once in the grass on the way back to the stairs. Got back to the steps and down them and back to the door inside. Now, that short little length of hallway looked a hell of a lot further than I thought. I stopped for a bit to catch my breath again..While we were standing there Cindie said that when we get back to the PT section she thinks that all we will do is some stretching..She told me that the walk we had been on has been almost 20 minutes..(and I'm thinking to myself..geez..we really haven't walked all that far distance wise)

So, back down the hallway to the elevator and back upstairs.. I was so glad to make it back to that floor..We got to one of the rehab rooms and I pretty much flopped on one of the mats. Cindie stretched me for about 5 minutes and then I just layed there..I was so spent.
All said and done..with the distance we went..I'm thinking that it probably wasn't much more than about a quarter of a mile walk..and I felt like I did 10 miles..

Ohh...and back to the title of this entry..GoodBye Blue Monday. I don't know why that came into mind.. That is the name of a promotional products company in Boulder Colorado..My wife was at an event one time when we lived there and she got me a t-shirt from them..It has the moon logo on it and it glows in the dark..
I've always loved the name of that company..and it is so appropriate when I want a particularly bad, stressful, crappy, or just plain old yucky Monday to be over..GoodBye Blue Monday...

Till Next Time..........................................................

Saturday, October 4, 2008

I'll do a quick update today

...I'm laying here on the bed half's 10:40am and I've been up since 5:00am..I'm on that wind down phase that I get about this time everyday..

Anyway, yesterday I had two appointments at the VA clinic. The first was at the mental health clinic to set up my course of action through them..what that means is this..whether I am just going to follow a course of medication or if I am actually going to have some counseling or both. Initial determination is that I will be doing both. I have to call them Monday to set up my first appointment for my initial counseling session..once I have completed that then we will determine how often they will want to see me and also how long each session will be..whether 30 minutes or 60 minutes.. and as I said..the medication.. I have been on Effexor that was prescribed by my Neuro but from what I understand an antidepression med should be's not. So, the VA doc is going to change my med to Wellbutrin. First I have to wean myself down from the Effexor before I change meds so right now I am working on weaning down.

My second appointment was at Podiatry. I am going to have a new and hopefully better Ankle, Foot Orthotic (AFO) ordered for me to help with my foot drop on my left foot and I also talked to the doc about the problems I have been having with my right heel. For the last two weeks or so my right heel has been hurting quite a bit and she seems to feel that it may be nerve damage because of how I have to stand and also the fact that I put the majority of my weight on my right heel because I have no balance. So, she hooked me up with some nice shoe inserts for cushioning and also is going to have me go back in to get set up with some special orthopedic sneakers.

I know I have said this before...but I feel so fortunate that I have the availability to use the VA for these things...this has been a godsend.. Even through having TM...I really feel that I have been very lucky having the VA clinic there for things like this...they have been amazing.

So, with that aside.. I'm gonna rest for a's going to be beautiful outside I am going to get outside and get some things much as I can a little cleaning up like putting the garden hoses away for the season and who knows what else..but since it is going to be fairly cool..I should be okay outside.

Thanks for reading... and pop in to the blog and leave me a comment...

Till Next Time..............................................

Thursday, October 2, 2008



Not much...PT today..more electrical stim..
I've been up since's now just after 11:00am and I'm starting to wind down..This is pretty good though..I've been up 6 hours and did PT and I'm just now starting to wind down.. Hopefully I'll relax a bit and feel a little more energetic the rest of the day. It feels nice to have some energy and be up and do a few things..

Anyway...took a screen shot of my Weather Channel daily weather screen... Brrrr...fall is in the air.. It feels so nice though... I love this nice cool crisp air.. maybe that's why I feel as good as I do today..

I wish the best to everyone that is reading this... and thanks for reading..
Leave a comment..I'd love to hear from you..

Till Next Time...................................................

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Hump Day Update..

Not much but just a quick update to everyone to say "HI"

Had an early morning this morning...woke up at 2:15am to pee...did manage to get back to sleep though...woke up again this morning at 7:00am. Legs are really achy today...and I'm very tired...I think because of waking up so early..

I got an e-mail this morning from an old friend of mine..A guy that I've stayed in touch with for over 20 years..we haven''t seen each other in about that long but he is one of those people that I developed a friendship with and even though we haven't seen each other we still keep in touch over the years and miles.. A True Friend..!!

Anyway, he lives in Oklahoma City and works for the FAA so I get airplane related stories and jokes from him fairly often.. Well, He sent this to me today....It is good for a chuckle and I hope it doesn't offend any of the women here that reads this...

Flying Lessons

My ex-wife started taking flying lessons about the time our divorce started and she got her license shortly before our divorce was final, later that same year.

Yesterday afternoon, she narrowly escaped injury in the aircraft she was piloting when she was forced to make an emergency landing in Southern Tennessee because of bad weather. Thank God our kids were with me at the Beach House this weekend.

The NTSB issued a preliminary report, citing pilot error: Judy was flying a single engine aircraft in IFR (instrument flight rating) conditions while only having obtained a VFR (visual flight rating) rating.

The absence of a post-crash fire was likely due to insufficient fuel on board. No one on the ground was injured.

Photograph below was taken at the scene and shows the extent of damage to her aircraft.

She was very lucky.

Till Next Time.................................................