I didn't have a great night last night.. I don't feel like I slept very well at all and today so far my legs are really bothering me. That achy, throbbing type pain...I'm thinking that the cooler weather is possibly bringing this on..especially because of the fact that my internal thermostat is so screwed up that when the temp. changes outside I'm sure it has some effects on me and the TM.
On that note about the outside has been kind of strange to me lately..because the temp has been in the low 40's and this morning it was 30 degrees outside when I got up (5:30am). I let the dog out first thing and I go out on the deck with her and wait for her to finish...and while I am standing outside, it actually feels good to me...these cooler temps feel nice and I can stand there and not get cold at all and I'm usually just in a T-shirt. So, on one hand...the cooler weather is elevating my pain in my legs..but on the other hand, 30 and 40 degree weather doesn't feel cold to me. What am I going to do with myself..??
PT was okay today...Cindie did my e-stim and then she stretched me. Ohhhhh man..the stretches really did me in. They feel so good but the pain...especially today... Aarrrggghh..
I want to make a dedication to someone that I have "met" through a Facebook TM group
( Her name is Kimberley and she is the groups creator. The reason I want to make this dedication is because she has had TM for 2 1/2 years and through her hard work and determination she is again participating in marathons. In September she ran a full marathon and this Sunday she is going to be running a half marathon. She is truly an inspiration to all of us TMr's. I would like it if everyone that reads this to keep Kimberley in your thoughts on Sunday. doesn't look like anyone left any comments or made any requests as far as the music I posted... and I'm not even sure if any of you lucky readers even listened to anything...
so, I will post some new stuff...If anyone does listen to it..I hope you enjoy. Let me know if you do or not.
Till Next Time................................
Great MUSIC!!
I really enjoyed this...keep it up.
Got any Van the Man?
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