I'll do a quick update today
...I'm laying here on the bed half asleep..it's 10:40am and I've been up since 5:00am..I'm on that wind down phase that I get about this time everyday..
Anyway, yesterday I had two appointments at the VA clinic. The first was at the mental health clinic to set up my course of action through them..what that means is this..whether I am just going to follow a course of medication or if I am actually going to have some counseling or both. Initial determination is that I will be doing both. I have to call them Monday to set up my first appointment for my initial counseling session..once I have completed that then we will determine how often they will want to see me and also how long each session will be..whether 30 minutes or 60 minutes.. and as I said..the medication.. I have been on Effexor that was prescribed by my Neuro but from what I understand an antidepression med should be doing...it's not. So, the VA doc is going to change my med to Wellbutrin. First I have to wean myself down from the Effexor before I change meds so right now I am working on weaning down.
My second appointment was at Podiatry. I am going to have a new and hopefully better Ankle, Foot Orthotic (AFO) ordered for me to help with my foot drop on my left foot and I also talked to the doc about the problems I have been having with my right heel. For the last two weeks or so my right heel has been hurting quite a bit and she seems to feel that it may be nerve damage because of how I have to stand and also the fact that I put the majority of my weight on my right heel because I have no balance. So, she hooked me up with some nice shoe inserts for cushioning and also is going to have me go back in to get set up with some special orthopedic sneakers.
I know I have said this before...but I feel so fortunate that I have the availability to use the VA for these things...this has been a godsend.. Even through having TM...I really feel that I have been very lucky having the VA clinic there for things like this...they have been amazing.
So, with that aside.. I'm gonna rest for a bit...it's going to be beautiful outside today..so I am going to get outside and get some things done...as much as I can anyway...do a little cleaning up like putting the garden hoses away for the season and who knows what else..but since it is going to be fairly cool..I should be okay outside.
Thanks for reading... and pop in to the blog and leave me a comment...
Till Next Time..............................................
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