I was supposed to go to the Wound Center yesterday...turns out that my doctors office couldn't get an appointment at that wound center until today...so the appointment was made for today at 1:45pm. We get a phone call from our doctors office this morning saying that our insurance isn't going to cover going to the wound center that my doctor preferred...my insurance company wants me to go to the wound center at the hospital that I have been going to.. Okay.... so my doctors office schedules the appointment...FOR NEXT TUESDAY 24th...because the friggen doctor is on vacation...come on now...They only have one doctor for an entire wound center in a hospital..???
So, I am going to call my insurance tomorrow and see if by chance they might let me go to another wound center somewhere here in town..before next Tuesday.. It seems to me that this bedsore is something I should be seen about as soon as possible... dontcha think..??
Tomorrow, Wednesday is my follow up with my Neurologist..I have a bunch of questions for him as does my wife..we'll see how that goes...
Also, while I am talking with my insurance company tomorrow I am going to ask them if they will cover me for an appointment with the Neuropsychologist that I met with in the hospital.. I really think I need to get in and talk to him...my mental stage right now is very topsy turvy.. and my wife is at her wits end...she told me the other morning that when she wakes up she wonders if she should even say anything to me or not depending on what my mood will be.. I can't put her through that...she has been an absolute angel and she does not deserve having to worry about what my mood is going to be.
Well... I'll post some more tomorrow after my follow up and my conversation with the insurance company..
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