Sunday, June 15, 2008

A better day today...??

Well.. I hope today is a better day..
I did not update yesterday because I was in a really bad mood all day.. I do feel much better today..(mentally anyway)
I slept so horribly last night and the night before.. my leg pain is wife said I was moaning all night long...and I know this bedsore is on my mind.. I think I'm mentally waking myself off and on all night and moving myself from side to side.. I know I'm not sleeping on my back at all.
I woke up yesterday morning at about 6:00am and felt miserable all day long.. last night I slept about as bad and when I woke up this morning at 7:00am my legs were throbbing.. but, as I said..I'm in a better frame of mind this morning.. I hope it lasts..!!

Yesterday my wife had called in to my doctors answering service to see if we could get something better for my pain. One of the doctors called her back and since is was Saturday he said he couldn't call in anything that was a narcotic since he didn't have my records or anything..
He did call in a RX for Voltaren... my wife went and picked that up and I took one when she got home.. It seemed to help somewhat for the pain but after I took it I had this really odd feeling in my head the rest of the day...I haven't taken another one yet..
After reading up on this stuff apparently dizziness is one of the side effects...I don't know that I felt dizzy...but I know I felt weird..

Anyway, I'm going to try my best to keep my good mood up.. I hate putting my wife through these mood swings I'm having.. I think I'm going to schedule an appointment with the neuropsychologist tomorrow..
Chat later... :-)


Anonymous said...

Hi Kevin. We've not met, but I've gotten to know your Mom online through genealogy - she and I are 3rd cousins, making you my 2nd cousin once removed. I just wanted to offer you some support here, in this space where you are sharing your thoughts and feelings about what you are going through. I think writing about this is an excellent idea - it will help you process the ups and downs of recovery, and offer others the opportunity to share their concern (at least I hope you also intended the latter, because here I am clicking on the "comment" link!). You've been in my thoughts since your Mom first emailed me, so you have one more relative out here rooting for you. Speaking from the "wife taking care of the moody husband" point of view - hey, let it happen! What a great chance for someone else to show you their love. You will both grow as you go through this together. All challenges in this life are also opportunities, and it sounds like you are doing a remarkable job of working your way through this.

KevinDW said...


I was wondering....what is your name.. I know my mom recently told me that she mentioned my disorder to some other family members that she knew. I just want to make sure I have things right when I mention to my mom that I got a note from one of the cousins..

Anyway, thanks so much for the note...I really do appreciate it..
It's funny about the blog...because after my co-workers, friends and family members found out about what happened....everyone kept telling me to make sure I call or write to them and let them know how my progress was coming... well, I got to thinking..geez.. I'll be writing or calling about 30 or 40 people every other week or so..
The idea of the blog came from one of the other people that posts messages on the Transverse Myelitis message board that I frequent.. she has a blog and after I read that I, that would be perfect.. I'll post stuff every day or so and just give everyone the website to go to to read the updates... so much easier that way... and I agree with you also...about writing things down.. it does help process everything..

Well, feel free to drop a note anytime... and thanks again for this note..
If you'd personal e-mail address is..

Take care,

Anonymous said...

Sorry 'bout name is Kathy (Shaver) Fisher. We are related through the Guild/Crandall line. I live in Missouri now, but was born/grew up in Grand Haven, Michigan. error, but you are my 3rd cousin, once removed (not 2nd, as I'd posted).
I am so sorry to hear about what you are going through - it makes me wonder (and not for the first time) about our medical care system, especially when compounded by insurance. It just makes me angry that people have to jump through so many hoops to get the care they deserve, and at a time when they are most vulnerable. Nothing like adding a little stress to someone's life when they are feeling down! It would be a good thing to find someone inside the system to advocate for you - do you know anyone, be it a nurse, receptionist...or a doctor??...that can watch out for your best interests, even if they are in a different area of medicine? Maybe even the hospital social worker might be able to help. I'd have to switch back to your most recent blog...but I think you mentioned a psychoneurologist (neuropsychologist?). That would be an excellent idea because you ARE dealing with an awful lot...and it might also be another way to help the system move a little quicker. There's usually more than one way into any structure...
Anyway, try not to get discouraged by your mood swings. They are going to happen. Most of us aren't patient "patients"...rather, IMpatient for the whole ordeal to be over with.