New post
Well, it has been awhile.
I guess now about a month and a half since my last post. Just not so much in the mood to post so often any more.
The snow and cold have been really getting me down. The snow is so hard to walk in that I rarely even bother going outside unless I have to. The cold, well, do I even need to speak about the cold..? It makes me hurt. I'm not a whiner or complainer but I've caught myself a couple of times, on trips going somewhere in the van with my wife. The temp outside being bitter cold and the pain literally made me cry.
How frustrating is that...?
So, yesterday I had a follow up with my Neurologist. Pretty uneventful appointment. I went over some of the things that have been bothering me...things that aren't really new, just things that are cropping up with the weather.
He asked me some questions and also said that he is going to start researching my case all the way back to the beginning since I was given to him when my first, original neuro left.
Otherwise, he is going to have me start coming in every six months. On one hand, that's good...I get tired of having doctors appointments all the time...but then, on the other hand....that tells me...that there is nothing more that he is able to do. I have pretty much plateaued as far as my recovery. I kind of knew that anyway but when I was going in every three months it felt that there was some hope.
Well, I've been staying very busy with the International Disability Coalition. I've been recruiting a team of State Representatives to work within their own states for us. We have some pretty good plans coming up. One of them is to work on contacting each State Government and presenting to them the information to try and get a TM Awareness Day passed in those states. So far we have Ohio, PA and New York. We have lots of work to do and in conjunction with this I am going to have my State Reps start contacting the media in their area and try to get them to promote the TM Awareness day if we can get it passed in their states.
Working on things like the IDC gives me some satisfaction that I am doing something for my fellow TMr's and I feel like I am making a difference, which I like but then there are days that I just feel like hell also. I'm still fighting some of the mental monsters that have been bugging me from the beginning and it's tough to shake them. I'm still having the dreams that I started having months ago...
The pain is still making my concentration and attention span pretty bad. I find it hard to sit and pay attention to one thing for more than 20 minutes at a time before I have to get up and move around. My legs begin to bother me and it's hard to sit in one position so I have to move around all the time.
Even laying in bed...I can't even sleep on my back any more. The pressure and weight that there is on the back of my legs and on my tailbone area drive me nuts. So, I sleep on one side or the other and sleep is a relative word...
What sleep I get isn't very good sleep. I'm so blasted tired during the the time the evening rolls around, If I sit down on the couch for a little while, I'll nod right off.
I can't wait for the warmer temps to get here and we can start opening the windows of the house.
One last thing....I am now going to have moderate comments coming in to my blog. I have been getting some real garbage lately. Also, anyone leaving a comment will have to do a word verification.
I'm sorry that I have to do this, but I don't want to have comments left here by some crap spammer.
And with that....some music to finish off...
Sugarloaf and their 1970 hit Green Eyed Lady
Till Next Time......
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