Sunday, April 5, 2009


Well, I figured I'd do a quick update this morning.
Let's see...since last update what's been happening..? TM wise....the legs have been a bit of a bother again...We had a day where the humidity was high and it was raining ALL DAY LONG....and on top of that the temp was back down into the 30's. I think for my next career I shall become a human weather barometer...I know when the weather is going to be crappy outside.
To top all this off...sleep has been lacking the last two nights...This really sucks too because there for a couple of nights I slept like a baby..I mean I really slept well..and it felt so good to wake up and know that I actually had a great nights sleep. I suppose I might as well get used to this because I don't see anything changing down the road. far as the "migraines" go...knock on wood...I've had no episodes seeing I've been on the meds and been following the diet. I am slowly integrating some of the foods on the diet back into my normal diet...for instance..bananas were one thing on the list that I was supposed to stay away from..and over the last week I've had two bananas..and no, I think now I'll start with something else and see how I do with that.

Since I'm down to one day a week at PT I've also been hitting the treadmill here at home a bit. That's going fairly well, if the damn weather would start warming back up a bit again...I'll be back outside and hopefully be walking down the block a bit.

For the music today....I'm posting something from one of my favorite guitarists....Jeff Beck, who was just inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame last night. He was inducted last night as a performer but had been inducted twice before as a member of the Yardbirds as a solo artist and a band leader.
He is one of the true guitar heroes....

Till Next Time......