Just kind of a quick one today...
First thing...Yesterday I woke up with another one of my headaches...and I got to thinking....two things...first, I had PT Thursday...did the exertion of that bring on the headache...or perhaps this..the diet the doctor gave me says one of the things to avoid is cured and aged meat..which, on Thursday we had corned beef for dinner. So, there are possibly two things to really watch for now. I am going to start following the diet to the letter and see what happens.
Now, fortunately I woke up this morning and the headache is gone...I am glad for that.
The weather is supposed to be nice and warm today..(mid 60's) so I think I will be outside for awhile. I have the bedroom window open and man does the breeze feel good.
Otherwise, not too much else...pain level isn't bad today and overall I feel pretty good. I hope it's a good day.
That's about all for today...
For the music today...I'm gonna post something a little over the edge...
A guitarist by the name of Michael Angelo of the most revered rock guitarists ever..this video is not for the faint of other words, if you don't like all out shredding, don't watch. This guy just plain owns this guitar. His handwork is jaw dropping to say the least.
The video starts out slow and he builds as he goes...when it gets to 1:55 you better be sitting down.
You'll also notice that in the video, he switches back and forth from a brown to a blue guitar. The music was actually all recorded with the brown guitar but for the video they also used some segments with the blue guitar.
So, with all the being said...Michael Angelo Batio with Speed Lives.
Till Next Time......
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