Saturday update..
Not much yet today....I think I'm finally coming to terms with the fact that my "sick" episodes are migraine headaches.
My Neuro said that is what he thought awhile back...I've read up on migraines and yesterday I also "chatted" with a woman I know from one of the TM boards...she's a nurse and has TM. I went over all my symptoms with her and she said.."Yep, sounds like a classic case of migraines" She also gets them.
So, I've relegated myself to this...I don't like it but ehhh...
I'm going to read up on natural ways to help them and see what I can find.
Now, on that note of my "migraines", this last one that started Thursday and then receded Friday is kind of sort of back today...just a very mild headache. It's weird this time because normally the headache starts and then the diarrhea starts and I start feeling really bad. Well, the headache came and went and is now kind of back but I've not really had the diarrhea to the extent that I did before. I also don't feel too bad...I'm pretty tired but I don't feel too bad.
Anyway...that's enough of that..
Music post for my sister...she's going to a concert tonight that's a tribute to Peggy Lee and Buddy Holly. I've been posting some videos to sort of prime things for her...
I'll post two more vids today and then tomorrow I'm posting a surprise video or two with a little background as to why I posted them.
Now, Buddy Holly and It's Raining in My Heart...
and this vid from the incomparable Peggy Lee and Is That All There Is..
Sis, I hope the show is amazing....
Till Next Time......
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