Saturday, December 27, 2008

Good Morning everyone

Just a quick Saturday morning update...
Seems that lately things have been on a bit of a steady track...nothing terribly worse but on the other hand...nothing any better either. The pain in my backside and legs is a constant that is tolerable but very annoying. My heels are giving me some issues but again...the pain is tolerable as long as I have my sneakers on. Standing barefoot on hard surfaces like the bathtub is pretty tough to do.
The fatigue has not been any worse and on some days I actually don't feel too bad although Christmas day whooped my butt. I pushed it too far that day and my body let me know it.
Sleep is an on and off thing that seems to have no rhyme nor reason to it..even taking an Ambien. Oh well..I suppose that even if things stay the way they are now, I can continue to deal with this.
I do know this though...come January 1st...I am going to make my best effort to start taking all my rehab into my own hands. I need to do something more than what I am getting, going to my PT twice a week. I've told myself over and over that I will at some point be back on my bicycle again. I also don't like the fact that I've probably gained 15 pounds or more since TM hit me. I gotta get that worked back off of me. So, between now and the 1st I am going to plan out what I want to do and get it on paper.

Just 5 days now until the New Year rings in...a new year and time for a change..Things have to get better....

For my music entry today...I'm posting this from one of the most amazing guitarists I have ever heard...playing probably one of the most recognized songs from 1968.
The song was originally done by Mason Williams, who was a great guitarist in his own right. The song "Classical Gas"
but this version done by the amazing Tommy Emmanuel, an Australian guitarist that takes the song to a completely new level....
Enjoy...and I challenge you to try to keep your feet still while listening to this...

Till Next Time.................