Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Wednesday....Hump Day

The day before Thanksgiving.
Quick update and then on to some pictures and music..

Woke up again at 3:00am. That must be the magical hour lately. I had to go to the bathroom. At least this morning the dog didn't need to go out. I don't think she even heard me get up to go.

I crawled back in bed...I was bound and determined to try and get back to sleep. I know I was awake for about a half an hour and then I did go back to sleep but it wasn't a good sleep. I remember looking at the clock and it was 4:45am and then at 5:10am and then by 5:45am both my wife and I were awake. Other than being a bit tired I feel fairly good today. Legs are pretty good..a bit of an ache in my left one...also a bit of pain in the backside..

Okay, with that aside...We had some snow last night, not a ton..probably about 2".
It's a wet, heavy snow...the kind that sticks to everything. But it sure is pretty...all the tree branches are coated and it looks kind of like what I would think the cliche.."Winter Wonderland" would look like.
Check it out....I just took these about 8:30 this morning.

That looks pretty nice, doesn't it..? I know we didn't get anywhere near as much as the folks further north did...I saw on the news this morning..some areas received 15"+.
We're pretty lucky here in our area...we're just south of the snow belt.

Anyway, on to the music now...I got a comment from my Sis again ..She wants to hear..
"My Boyfriend Got A Beatle Haircut"
I found the song sis...but I do believe it was done by Donna Lynn.
I did some digging and couldn't find anything to where the Beatles themselves ever released the song. I hope this is the song you were looking for. :-)

and I'm also gonna add this of my faves over the years...

Graphics provided by

Till Next Time................


Anonymous said...

Hi Kevin,
Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better today. It is very woodsy around where you live?
That was it!! I was was not the Beatle's...
Another request for another day....
"One tin Soldier"

xo thanks
PS have a great Thanksgiving! We had ours already in October!