Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sunday Morning

and I was up at 4:00am. Why, legs were bothering me and I had to pee...and I was overheated...sweating.
Lately, I've taken to going to bed with just my robe on...and I stick my feet under the blankets.. For the last few nights this has worked to keep me from getting too hot at night. This morning I was too hot. Now, this could be because of the steroids that I'm on..(I'll explain in a bit)
I woke up this morning about 3:45 and I was sweating...I could hear the furnace running..It was and still is rather cold outside...(18 degrees right now @ 9:45am) I opened my robe to get some air...and wiped my forehead..I was drenched.

I had that appointment at the VA on Friday for my right heel. The doc prescribed those steroids for me. I started taking them yesterday. It is a six day course of steroids..the first day (yesterday)I had to take two before breakfast, one ofter lunch, one after dinner and two at bedtime.
Well, first of all, they made me tired, they made stomach feel like sh*t, I was soo overheated yesterday, and just generally felt like crap.
Today I get to take two before breakfast which I have...and I'm already overheated and groggy..(of course getting up at 4:00am didn't help)one after lunch, one after dinner and one before bed.
We'll see how today goes.

Otherwise....lately, the pain in my backside...tailbone area and tops of the backs of my legs seems to be bothering me a bit more...I have a hard time sitting in one position for any length of time..I have to shift back and forth from one side of my butt to the other more often than before. I don't know what that's all about.

It seems like everyday it's something else that's going on.... I'm so exhausted.

So, with that is a song related to the day of the week...a very odd, lost in the times past, one hit wonder song. A british singer that went by the name of Daniel Boone did a song back in 1972 called Beautiful Sunday. I'm posting this because it looks very beautiful outside right now..the sun is shining and glistening off of the snow on the tree branches.

Whew...Bubblegum pop at it best..(???) is more...
1910 Fruitgum Company.. who remembers them..? I'm embarrassed to admit..I used to have this album.

and one more that I just ran across.....
and this one actually was pretty cool..
The Royal Guardsmen Snoopy Vs. The Red Baron

Thanksgiving is four days away.....I can't wait.

Till Next Time..................


Anonymous said...

LOVE those songs...especially the Beautiful Sunday. I remember those songs from way way way back as well!!!

Also, I like the 'today in history' bit.

Take care