Tuesday the 16th.
A quick update today...Nothing new to update as far as PT goes.. we had a very exciting weekend...well, it actually started Sunday.. The remnants of hurricane Ike blew through northeast Ohio...and I would have never thought it was going to be as bad as it was..but we had a hell of a storm.. The wind was terrible..gusts of 70+ mph. Our power went out at 5:45pm Sunday and didn't come back on until 9:00am Monday. It was out for 15 hours and there are still areas here in town that don't have power. Of course the cable went out too...that didn't come back on until 4:00pm this afternoon (Tuesday).
We all sat around the kitchen table with my little battery powered black and white T.V. so that we could check the weather and of course we had candles and flashlights to light our way. One thing that was fortunate for me..is the fact that the temperature outside cooled down quite a bit..if it would have stayed as warm as it was earlier in the day..I would have been miserable with my internal thermostat being out of whack with this TM.
The wind, as I said, was terrible..we had a tree split in two out in back of the house...
here are the pics..you can see in the first picture...the branch going crosswise..it is actually a 30 foot long piece of the top of the tree that split at a "Y" in the tree.
The second and third picture is the other "Y" that snapped off and then fell to the ground angling towards our neighbors house. The "Y" where these broke off of was about 30 foot up so that piece of tree is still standing. We really didn't have it bad..and I'm surprised..but glad. As we drove around today there were trees down everywhere all over town...many homes and cars had been smashed and as I said..there are still many parts of town without power.
One thing that was real interesting...was trying to cath myself by candlelight... how romantic that was.. :-)
Anyway, I was supposed to have an appointment today with a therapist at mental health at the VA but they called and the therapist called in sick today..so I had to reschedule that appointment..so I have to wait a few more days for that to start..oh well.
Otherwise...nothing else new right now..
Till next time.
Oh, and for those that this update gets e-mailed to... here is a link to the blog if the pics don't come out in the e-mail. http://dealingwithtm.blogspot.com/
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