latest update
on things.
Follow up appointment yesterday at my Neurologist..went over all the things that have occurred in the last three still not sleeping very well (last night I slept great but the night before was terrible..there seems to be no rhyme nor reason), swelling mainly in the left leg and ankle, suppositories he prescribed for my bowels not working, still having spasms and pain, bad mood/depression still there.
So, doc set up an appointment for me today to have an ultrasound done on my legs just to make sure that I didn't have any blood clots that might be causing the swelling..ultrasound came back fine..I just have to stay off the salt, keep my legs elevated and he is also probably going to have me take some water pills for awhile to see if that helps with the swelling.
For the bowel situation I am going to see a gastroenterologist to make sure there aren't any other problems. Otherwise, this is just something I apparently will have to live with as a side effect of having TM.
For the spasms and pain I am having a change of all the meds I have been taking..I don't remember all of them at this moment as I haven't gotten the prescriptions filled soon as I get them I'll update what I am taking and whether they work or not. Same situation with the meds I was taking for depression and sleep.
So, everything is still a work in progress until we can get some of the meds figured out for what is going to work.
Oh well.. until next time..
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