5th of July
No particular reason I'm updating today...I guess I just felt like it.
Nothing has really been happening as far as the TM goes...the biggest thing since my last post was yesterday, it must have been the weather.....the temp was about 75 but we had 98% humidity...and it was killing me...I was sweating bullets doing nothing. My wife was saying she was kind of cool and here I was, miserable from sweating. If this is any indication of what the summer come August is going to be like....arrggghhh....just shoot me now.
Today is better...it's nice and cool outside and the humidity is back down some...thank goodness.
It seems that overall things have been going a bit better for me as far as being able to get around.. This past Friday my wife and I went to what is called "First Friday" http://cantonfirstfriday.com/default.aspx where on the first Friday of each month the city closes off a few streets downtown and there are street musicians and artists and food booths and bands and so on. There is quite a bit of walking involved and I did pretty well. Only once did we have to stop to let me sit for awhile. We found a picnic table and relaxed and grabbed something to eat and drink and I was re energized and off we went again.
Lately I've been trying to dedicate a bit more time to my carvings...I recently just finished my first cane to sell. ..picture...-->>
I also had posted some pictures of my carvings on one of the email TM lists that I belong to and I got a note back from one of my TM cohorts. She is a renowned artist, writer and poet and musician based in New York City. When I say that she is a renowned artist...she is known around the world and I was looking at some of the work she has done and it is incredible. Well, the note I received from her, she said that my carvings are powerful and handsome and she wants me to send her more pictures of my carvings as I complete them....how cool is that..???
I guess I really need to work on my carvings and really get better at it...this could turn out to be a pretty cool thing.
Well, not sure what else to write about...I suppose it's time to get a few things done around the house...I need to get some weeding done outside and and work on my latest wood spirit carving. Since it's supposed to be nice outside today I'll be sitting at the picnic table on the back deck. It is so nice to sit out there while I'm carving...
So, I guess I'm done for now...I'll update again soon....and until then...a musical selection.
How about a little Mungo Jerry...In the Summertime. I know we're not that far into summer yet...but what the hell...I like this song...it was always one of my faves as an early teenager and it's a catchy little song...
Till Next Time......